Please scroll down for English translation.
USCGより、2023年9月1日にVessel Cyber Risk Management Work Instruction (CVC-WI027)が改訂され、第3版(CVC-WI-027(3))が発行されました。
2. 専⽤Passwordを⽤いたWindows ログインの使⽤
3. 30分経過後の⾃動ログアウト/スクリーンセーバーの設定
4. 使用していないUSBポート/SDカードポートへのUSBポートブロック/SDカードブロックの使用
⽶国寄港前にUSCG Work Instruction CVC-WI-027(3) のその他の項⽬についても事前チェックされることを推奨いたします。

Dear Valued Customers & Business Partners,
Revision of USCG Vessel Cyber Risk Management Work Instruction
The USCG has revised the "Vessel Cyber Risk Management Work Instruction (CVC-WI-027)" and issued its third version (CVC-WI-027(3)) on 1 September 2023.
Major changes include more specific examples of when basic cyber hygiene procedures are not in place on board.
1. Username / Password should be controlled by the Master or the designated person as confidential information. It shall not be displayed opened place including on or around the PC.
2. Windows Login with non-generic password to be used.
3. Automatic logout/screen saver should be set for 30 minutes.
4. USB Port Blockers / SD Card Port Blockers should be installed on USB Ports / SD Card Ports not in use.
Other items on USCG Work Instruction CVC-WI-027(3) should be checked prior to call USA ports.

If you have any concerns about cyber security for your vessels, please feel free to contact us.