Please scroll down for English translation.
各位 最近報告された本船PCの事例につきましてご案内いたします。
【原因: なぜブルースクリーンが起こったのか?】

出荷時に作成していたWindows Image Backupをエラーが起こったPCに適用し、復旧に至りました。
【Windows Image Backupとは】
Windows Image Backup を使用し、Windowsやシステムドライブなど全体をバックアップすることで、OSが不具合を起こして起動できなくなった時には、バックアップ作成時に復元することができます。OSやドライブ全体をバックアップするには、数十GBの容量のPC内の別ドライブ又は外付けHDDやNAS等のストレージが必要になります。
Dear Valued Customers & Business Partners,
Necessity of Windows backup
We would like to inform you of the printer incidents reported recently.
【Case study】
We were reported from our customer that a Windows error (blue screen) has occurred, and their computer could not start.
【Cause : Why did the blue screen happen?】】
Assuming from the report of the vessel, there is a possibility that a crew deleted some necessary information to start up the Windows.

Blue screen: An error screen which shows up when the computer is unable to function due to OS suspension.
By applying the Windows Image Backup, the computer has restored. Since this case was not caused by a physical damage but by operational error, using the backup we have saved in another drive and restoring the Windows lead to solution.
【How is Windows Image Backup useful?】
By backing up the entire Windows/System drive by using Windows Image Backup, you can restore your computer to the point you made your backup. This will help you when your computer OS has trobles, and doesn’t start. To backup the entire Windows/System drive, dozens of GB is required in your computer’s additional drive or in your external HDD/NAS storage.
There are various reasons of data loss, for example human error/hardware failure/Software failure/Virus infection, and it is impossible to fully avoid. We highly recommend backing up your important data so that you do not lose them.
KAIRIKI PCs are arranged back up before we delivery.
Also, NAS is available, which you could use it to back up your data on the network.
If you have any worries about data backup of vessels, please feel free to contact us.